Saturday, May 14, 2011

May 15th

My name is Jense.
Im not gonna lie, I've been waiting all day to write this. Well, all day on the 14th, so that I would be awake at 12 a.m. on the 15th. Why the 15th? May 15th?
Well, it was the day where my life changed.
Ok. So that may sound a little melodramatic. But it really is true.
May 15, 2011.
May 15, 2009
I'm pretty sure I can honestly say that there's not a day that goes by that I don't think about at least one part of that day or night.
I think of all of us at lava. Thai food. Driving home. Your arm around me.
The park.
What a good day. Could possibly be the best of my life thus far.
But the one thing that stands out to me the most in my memories are the stars.
Looking up at those stars. So clear. So beautiful.
I felt so safe in your arms. My head on your shoulder. Your hand in my hair.
Secrets. Confessions. The first kiss.
May 15th 2009.
May 15th 2011.
I am here. You are there. Miles apart.
But somehow, I feel that when you realize that it is May 15th, you will remember. Even if it's very brief. And somehow, I know that when you realize it's May 15th, you'll smile, maybe chuckle a little. Then you will continue doing the work.
I love you.

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