Friday, May 13, 2011

Tips for Life

My name is Jense.
I don't really know what to write about tonight. All I know is that I just need to.
I'm not gonna pretend that I'm a fantastic writer, and try and come up with something very deep and profound to say. I'm not gonna worry about trying to use some effective literary devices that will make my post seem deeper than it really is. I'm pretty tired about writing about love and heartbreak and lonliness, so I'm not gonna do that. I'm not gonna write about how life sux, cuz I dont wanna feel that way anymore.
I'm just writing to write. For myself.
Yes, I still miss you, and everyday, I wonder where you are, and what you are doing. How life is treating you.
Yes, I feel more alone now than I have in a very long time. About a year, actually.
Yes, everyday it gets harder and harder knowing that Im not in a relationship or anything like that.
But there's more to life than that.
It's just about trying to find out what it is.
And right now, while just randomly writing this, I just thought of something kinda interesting. And that is, there's not just one thing that you're suppose to discover in life.
Like, you're not just suppose to discover "who you are." You're not just suppose to "love someone more than yourself." You're not suppose to just "find you're purpose of life."
Cuz honestly, who defines that? It's different for everyone. Love is different for everyone. Purpose is different for everyone.
Life is a nonstop, neverending riddle. Un-figure-out-able.
Yes. I did just make that word up.
Life is changing. Everyday. Every hour. It's never the same.
Most days are ordinary. But even the ordinary days bring change.
Be prepared to accept the change.
Be prepared to move on.
Be prepared for failure and sadness. But at the same time, be prepared for success and happiness.
"We were not put here on earth to be stagnant."
Yes, that is in my self love bible.
Love this life. Cuz if you don't love this one, how can you love the next?
"Attitudes are contagious. Is yours worth catching?"
Yes. That is also in my self love bible.
Live. Laugh. Love.

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