Sunday, March 13, 2011

I am Worth It

My name is Jense.
Last night, for the first time in I don't know how long, I watched The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe.
That's an extremely great show. With lots and lots of symbolism.
Anyways, so I was watching this movie. And it made me think a lot.
But there's one thought in particular that I thought I'd share.
You know that part when Aslan and the Witch were discussing how they were going to compromise the Law of the Land, because Edmund betrayed everyone? And how Edmund really should be owned by the Witch? That's like us.
I know C.S. Lewis wrote this because he was symbolically talking about Christ, but I'm looking at this through a Mormon's view.
Anyways, the movie got to the point when Aslan was walking to his death. Willingly. For Edmund.
I watched how all the Witch's followers spat on him, and mocked him as he walked through to the top of the hill. How they called him "The Great King." How the Witch began telling him that he was doing this for no real good reason. How it would all fail.
I thought of how Christ walked up to Calvary Hill, knowing what was in store for Him, knowing what He was doing. How everyone mocked Him, and spat on Him. I started thinking about Him in the Garden of Gethsemane, crying.
I thought how He did it for me. For me personally. Just like Aslan did it for Edmund, personally. Because He loved him, and He knew what his potential could be. Just like how Christ knows my potential.
Then I thought, "He did it because He loves me. He did it because I'm worth it to Him."
If I'm worth it to the Greatest Being of All, the Lord of Lords, The Redeemer and Savior, shouldn't I find myself of worth it?
I began to cry.

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