Monday, March 14, 2011

The Truth

My name is Jense.
Wanna know the truth?
I'm always gonna think about you.
I'm always gonna remember those times when you held my hand and my heart did backflips.
I'm always gonna remember how warm you felt when you held me in your arms.
I'll always feel your hand on my face.
I'll always see those eyes that looked at me after a kiss.
I'll always remember your smile.
I'll always remember those curls.
I'll always smile when I think of the good times.
I'll always cry when I think about the bad times.
I'll always blush when I think about the embarrassing times.
I'll always laugh when I think about the funny times.
I still think about that time when we walked in the woods,
And the time when we went to the park, and played on the jungle gym.
And that time when my window wipers stopped working in the middle of the rainstorm, and how you made me sit in the passenger seat while you drove so that we wouldn't die.
That time when we danced in the rain.
That time we held each other close when we set off fireworks.
I'll never let you forget that time when you said I had "bug eyes."
The first time you held my hand.
I'll always smile a little when I think about the times when we would out run a cop.
I'll always be eternally grateful for the times that you would come see me in a play, just to be there for me, even when you had a lot of other things to do.
The times you comforted me when no one else could.
The times whenever you told me I was beautiful.
I still lose my breath when I think of the times you would play with my hair.
I still feel anger when I think about those stupid fights we had, which 95% of the times, I was right.
I'll still feel happiness when I think about the nice little things you did so that I would feel better about myself.
But you wanna know the real truth?
I'm always gonna love you.

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