Wednesday, March 30, 2011

A New View

My name is Jense.
I had a realization last night, but I was too tired to get up and write it down. (School is killing me, I've never been this tired.) So, here we go.
Sometimes, your talents aren't meant for the world. They are meant for you.
Weird huh? It kinda blew me away.
Confused? Let me explain.
I like to play the piano. Scratch that. I love it. I like to play famous peices. I like to play popular songs. But, most of all, I like to compose my own originals. Not gonna lie, I don't think I'm that bad. I mean, for what I feel and what I go through, I think that I can get the whole feeling into 1 or 2 or 3 verses, a bridge, and a chorus pretty well. That's not easy, and most of the time, it takes me a while before the right words come.
But anyways, yes, I like to compose. But, I've always wished that everyone knew about the things I wrote. Heard the things I play.
There were a few girls that I knew that played and sang as well, and they made CDs. I always wanted to make one. I wanted to make one just to have.
That is a lie. I wanted it for others to have. I wanted them to know my words. Know my tunes. Hum them to themselves. Sing them while they cleaned the kitchen, or vacuumed the family room.
I wanted to be known. That was my goal for years. One day. One day, I would be famous.
Let's face it.
I never will be.
But, you know what? I've finally realized that that's ok.
Because, maybe God didn't give me this talent for that. Maybe He didn't give me the talent of being able to sight read so that I could become famous on America's Got Talent. Maybe He didn't give me the words I write so that I could make a CD. Maybe He didn't give me the ability to write songs so that I could become famous and be on the radio for everyone to hear my tunes and whistle them as the drove downtown.
Maybe, He just gave it for me.
This is for me.

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