Monday, April 11, 2011

Being Ordinary

My name is Jense.
I have hope.
I may not be the most beautiful girl in the world.
I may not have the most beautiful voice.
I may be the one in a bazillion people who can sight read anyway.
I may also be on in a bazillion people who write songs and medleys.
I may be totally and completely awkward.
I may be very shy.
I may get angry very easily over stupid things.
I may be the worse advice giver on the planet.
I may not be the smartest person.
I may not be the most athletic person.
I may be perfectly ordinary.
But, I have something to share. And one day, people will know it.
I have beautiful skin.
I have an all right voice.
I can sight read.
I can write songs and medleys.
I've got an awesome personality. One that can get along with pretty much anyone.
I'm getting better at controlling my anger.
I may not know what to say, but I'm always there.
I have the ability to learn.
I run.
Sure, to the world I'm just someone.
But one day, I'm gonna be the world to someone.
Yes. Even ordinary me.

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