Monday, April 4, 2011

Random Thoughts as I lay in bed

My name is Jense.
Sometimes, I have these random thoughts as I lay in bed.
1. The mind is an amazing thing. Particularly when it comes to memory. You could think you did something when you really didn't, or vice versa, and the mind will honestly make you believe it. Cool huh?

2. Why is it that people will believe the Holy Bible, but not the Book of Mormon? Think about it. Someone had to have said, "The bible is true!" and everyone believed him, but when Joseph Smith says "The Book of Mormon is true!" people don't believe him. What made the first guy any different?

3. Why do they call it "sleeping together"? Clearly, you're not sleeping.

4. Life would be better if I were a character in a book. At least I'd know how my story ends.

5. Fictional men are better than real men.

6. Facebook is an excuse to show off. Seriously. It's all about who's dating who, who has the best statuses, or who has the best pictures. Not much else.

7. Boys who honk at girls as they are walking. Why don't you pull over and ask if she needs a ride, instead of being a jack?

8. It's sad how much we try and change ourselves to be socially accepted. Cuz what's socially acceptable changes all the time. So what's the point in trying to keep up with all of it?

9. Being sad and mad is more exhausting than being happy.

10. Tell a girl she's pretty, she'll believe it for 2 minutes. Tell a girl she's ugly, she'll believe it her whole life.

11. What is it about a kiss that is so nice? Cuz honestly, when you think about it, it's gross. Did you know you exchange 256 different types of bacteria when you kiss? And yet, it's the nicest thing in the world. I wonder who came up with the idea of putting 2 lips together and making it a symbol of love. Kinda random, don't you think?

12. When the 2nd coming happens, it's gonna be like the ultimate choir concert for the angels of heaven.

13. Love is not only about seeing someone as they are. Its about see them for their potential.

14. Girls are dramatic. It's true. And, probably about 60% of the time, they cause their own boy drama. Think about it. If girls thought like guys, we'd be so much more chill. And we wouldnt really care about a lot of things, I think.
Not saying that boys don't cause drama either, though. Cuz they most certainly do.

15. Note to self: Arrogance is unattractive.

16. Do you think God has a birthday?

17. Why is it we always have to look at the person that is driving next to us when we are stopped at a stoplight?

18. If someone, particularly a friend, is a total jack to you, or puts you down, or points out negative things about you, or says mean things to you, it just means they wish they were you.

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