Thursday, April 7, 2011


My name is Jense.
Im realizing everyday that it is possible to fall in love with the wrong person. I should know. I am becoming an expert at that.
Depressing, isn't it? All our lives, starting from when we are young, we watch Disney, or Barbie, or whatever other fantasies there are, and they are all the same: damsel in distress, evil witches, knight in shining armor comes along, save the princess, and they all live happily ever after. I can't think of any childhood story where the princess falls in love with a different person.
Story books forgot to mention that sometimes, there are other princes.
I'm sitting here thinking about all the guys that I actually had a "thing" with. Whatever you want to call it. My "princes".
My first prince was a knight in clay armor. Really wasn't great. Sorrry to say. He was a horrible kisser too. But, being 15, of course I settled for it. Lamest thing of my life. I'm not gonna call it a mistake, really, cuz I honestly didn't know, and I was innocent. It was just an experience.
But it opened my eyes alot.
Then, there was my second one. He was a knight in bronze armor. Could have had potential. Seemed like it. But bronze just isn't gold. Cept, I didnt see it. I settled for it. That, I will say, was one of the biggest mistakes of my life. There was nothing worth it in the situation. And, oh, how it hurt when he left. Now though, I'm glad of it.
(The interesting thing about bronze, though, is that sometimes, it can appear as gold. I mean, if you didn't actually have gold next to it, it would look pretty authentic. Potential. Maybe that's why I settled for it.)
Last, there was my knight in silver armor. He was good. He is good still. In fact, right now as I type this, he is on a journey; his journey to become a prince in gold armor.
I loved him, that knight in silver armor. I still do, really. I always will.
But, he isn't my prince in gold armor.
And I, a princess, will not settle for anything less.
Hurry, my prince. I am still waiting.
Come find me.

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